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Free workshop - Scratch

You need to be able to use mouse, write, read and calculate within 20.

We will check your reflexes. Hackers’ attacks can be really quick and surprising - try to get as many points as possible and defeat all hackers! Be careful and don’t destroy any part of our supercomputer - otherwise the Internet all over the world will be turned off! Can you do it?

  • workshop 1 meeting

  • free 0.00 د.م.

free workshop - Minecraft

You need to be able to use mouse, write, read and calculate within 20.

Modern computer games are at risk. The new extensions have made all games except Minecraft stop working. Let's see who's behind this. Go to the Museum of Games of All Time and try to get copies of computer games, but be careful - there is a track full of obstacles, traps and tasks ahead of you. Do we have any parkour masters here?

  • workshop 1 meeting

  • free 0.00 د.م.

Free workshop - Scratch

Hackers will try to attack your favorite games! Make sure you keep Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox safe from all cyberattacks! Sit behind a digital gun and eliminate all enemies. Can you defend computer games?

  • workshop 1 meeting

  • free 0.00 د.م.

Free workshop - AppInventor

Redstone and a block of gold from Minecraft come from games made in the 70s. Don't believe it? Everything is possible with us. Together with a parent, jump behind the controls of the phone, choose your paddles and indulge in retro gameplay.

  • workshop 1 meeting

  • free 0.00 د.م.

Free workshop - C# and Visual Studio

Safety of our social media profiles or gaming accounts is very important. That’s why you should always have strong and hard to crack passwords. During our workshop we will show you how to create a strong password generator to protect us from all cyber threats.

  • workshop 1 meeting

  • free 0.00 د.م.

Free KzG - Python workshops

Strong passwords guarantee safety in nowadays world. Find out how to create good, strong and hard to crack password. Does it need an upper case letter? Lower case letter? Special character? See for yourself!

  • workshop 1 meeting

  • free 0.00 د.م.